Now What...November?
The leaves are off the trees, apple picking and pumpkin carving are over, the sunflowers are drooping and here in the northeast, we are actually starting to wonder when the first snowflakes will fly. So what is there to look forward to in November?
Luckily, there are lots of things to be excited about and thankful for in the 11th month of the year. The first holiday widely celebrated in our country is Veterans’ Day on November 11th. If you or a family member or friend have served in any branch of the military in any war or conflict past or present, this day is to honor and remember you/them. Many towns and cities have parades and/or memorial services that can be quite humbling and emotional. We thank all those who have served.

In addition, Thanksgiving falls on November 25th this year (exactly one month before Christmas). A day to gather, reflect on the past year and give thanks for the company of our loved ones and the blessings in our lives.

Also….a day for PIES! That’s right, the turkey and all the fixings and if you’re like me….as many pies as humanly possible. Apple, Pumpkin, Squash, (yes, there’s a subtle difference between the two!), Pecan, Chocolate Cream, Blueberry….bring me all the pies!

And after all the turkey sandwiches and turkey soup, our minds quickly turn to stringing Christmas lights and making pine wreaths. Come to think of it, it’s a pretty fantastic time of year! Enjoy your November everyone!