Fall Fun and Festivals
I hate to say it folks, but winter is coming. The good news is, there’s still time to get outside and enjoy some fun fall activities before the cold temperatures reach us. What is there to do in the fall you ask? Well, in some cases, it may depend on where you live, but there are a number of things to be found all across the country.
In many cases, you can start by looking for a farm. Many farms, whether they raise livestock, or crops, have branched out to add opportunities such as apple picking or pick-your-own pumpkins. There is a relatively new term, coined “Agritainment”, a joining of agriculture and entertainment. Look for farms that have corn mazes you can get lost in, hayrides, (some where you can feed their animals), corn cannons and potato blasters (a type of air gun that allows you to launch corn, potatoes, apples and more, usually towards some type of sign or target.)
When you find a farm that offers such activities, chances are you’ll find a farm store as well. Stock up on home made jams, jellies, pies, honey, maple syrup and all sorts of delicious treats. Nothing beats homemade, local products like these!
Other ideas include the numerous fall festivals held in the autumn months. Across the country you’ll find a multitude of pumpkin festivals, cranberry harvest festivals, scarecrow making festivals, hot air balloon festivals and more!
If you’re looking for something a little more tranquil, I recommend searching for hiking trails or nature walks in your area. We’ve got a couple more weeks to observe the breathtaking colors of the season, so get out and enjoy!