Arlo & Coco: An Update
Back in July I introduced you to the newest members of my little family, then 12-week old Arlo and then 9-week old Coco. These little loves have been with us for almost 6 months now and both Mr. Bud and I have fallen madly in love. I’m talking about kittens, of course, and this big, old farmhouse is filled with the antics of these sweet, precocious little creatures.

Coco, like her namesake (Coco Chanel), is a fearless little girl and wears her black “dress” with the class and sass of a true diva! And they love to “help” me with my work!

I will admit, it took Mr. Bud several weeks to get used to his new siblings. While he didn’t like being the only cat in the house after we lost Claudette, he wasn’t quite prepared for the enthusiasm with which these kittens brought to play time. While Arlo and Coco love to chase each other around, Mr. Bud humors them only briefly in this game before stalking away with an underlying growl. But his indifference lasts for just a short time, and then I usually will find the three of them curled up together sleeping off the playtime and building up the energy to start all over again.

“What Greater Gift than the Love of a Cat.” ~ Charles Dickens