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How do you express your gratitude, during this week of Thanksgiving, without sounding cliché? After pondering this for a while, I’m not sure it’s possible; but I’m not sure it’s necessary either. “Sounding cliché” seems to have taken on a negative tone, but I’ve decided that we have clichés for a reason. So if you don’t mind indulging me….

I am grateful for this home and business I’ve worked to create over the years. The beauty of western New York has provided me with the place to live my life as an artist and the studio has given me the opportunity to make a living doing what I truly love.

I am grateful for the endless support of family and friends. I believe the people in one’s life are a reflection of oneself and vice versa. I am blessed to be surrounded by good people in my life.

Lastly, I am truly thankful for the patrons of Golden Hill Studio, those of you who are nearby and can visit us at the studio, and those of you who have ordered from afar, online. When someone purchases one of our items, it’s not just a sale; it’s validation that our art is appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Shelley Nicholson


Shelley Nicholson

I happened on your site quite by accident …a happy one because I love the glassware and pillow covers! I can’t wait to peruse the entire site soon. What a beautiful cabin studio and home you have. We took my grandson years ago to Cooperstown and we loved the countryside of New York. It was our first time (and last) going to NY and it was so gorgeous. I plan on going back up to travel around to visit other little towns and villages. Breast cancer sidelined me for the entire 2017 but next year will be my “comeback year” and upstate Western New York is on my bucket list. You are so blessed to do what you love in such s lovely setting.

Shelley Nicholson

Lovely words Miss Bette , have a wonderful Thanksgiving x

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